DCR Day of Clinical Research 2024

26 - 28 November 2024

sitem-insel / Inselspital

Highlights of the programme include

  • lectures by invited keynote speakers, Professor Asma Khalil and Professor Vincenzo Mazzaferro
  • presentations by some of Bern's top researchers
  • presentations by exceptional junior researchers
  • panel discussion
  • poster exhibition

Scroll down for the full programme.

To present your research at this year's Day of Clinical Research, please submit your abstract via OxfordAbstracts by 1 September 2024.

Bern Highlights

This session showcases research with extremely high clinical impact, featuring major clinical trials and studies that have changed practice in the last year.

Junior Researchers

The top 4 submissions by researchers pre-habilitation will be selected for a Pecha Kucha presentation on the Day of Clinical Research. A group of 12 excellent submissions featuring completed or ongoing studies will be selected for a Pecha Kucha presentation in the Junior Research Showcase on Tuesday, 26/11/2024. Any abstracts not selected for an oral, will be invited to exhibit a poster on the Day of Clinical Research.

If you would like to attend any of the sessions of the Day of Clinical Research, please register HERE by 22 November 2024.